Mencari Skema Pembiayaan Syariah Inovatif untuk Pembangunan

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Catatan Ekonomi Dr. Khairunnisa Musari

 Dear Khairunnisa, I am delighted and offer my congratulations. Let’s hope your paper will generate interest at government level. Best wishes.

Demikian jawaban Prof. Murat Çizakça ketika saya menceritakan bahwa tulisan saya mengenai green sukuk akan diterbitkan oleh Kementerian Keuangan pada Buletin Sahabat Sukuk Negara (SSN).

Melalui surat elektronik, saya menyampaikan, “I brought your name in the writing. Of course I mentioned esham which you recommend to be paired with waqf. And hope I don’t mistranslate the messages I caught from your writings and then I transfer them to my version of the narrative in the article. The most important part of the article which makes me happy to be able to write it to the Ministry of Finance,

‘….. An important message from Prof. Murat Çizakça that deserves to be an evaluation and worthy of follow-up for fiscal authority in carrying out Islamic financial engineering is how to develop a scheme that does not only meet sharia principles and is able to help the state finance meets its fiscal needs. However, the scheme must also not create new debt that burdens the state. Public involvement to help finance development and other fiscal needs is a logical option. However, the scheme that is developed must not only please the market or investors but must also help the state today and in the future by not making it a burden for inheritance….’”.

Ya, inovasi skema pembiayaan syariah merupakan hal penting dalam pembangunan. Pesan ini saya tuliskan pula pada Term of Reference (TOR) Seminar Nasional “Peran Pembiayaan Infrastruktur Syariah dalam Pencapaian Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” yang direncanakan akan diselenggarakan oleh Dewan Pimpinan Pusat (DPP) Ikatan Ahli Ekonomi Islam Indonesia (IAEI) bekerjasama dengan Dewan Pimpinan Wilayah (DPW) IAEI Jawa Timur pada 9 Desember 2021 mendatang di Surabaya.

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